Silent Ramblings of an Explosive Mind

Who knew what goes on beyond the scenes in my mind and heart all at once?

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Things You May Not Know About Me *EDITED*

ok - I'm pissed, because when I posted this got lost. DAMN!! The "recovery" feature found some of it...I'll have to do my best to bring the rest back from my memory.

Inspired by reading some past entries, I thought I'd try to work up a list of my own:

Things You May Not Know About Me:

I'm 27 years old, but sometimes when people ask me my age, I forget and say a year younger lol.

I have a lot of nicknames that go with my name.

I LOVE what I do for a living, but wish for a break sometimes to have a chance to raise my children.

I love singing and being in musicals or singing casually with friends! Karreokee (sp?) is FUN!

I love my husband - God was wonderful is sending him to me. I feel very blessed in my marriage. Like some - I feel I have a rare and blessed marriage.

I'm glad I was friends with my DH first before we dated.

I was raised very sheltered and my parents still have a hard time letting that go.

I was never allowed to date (dances - yes, groupdating - yes, but not really alone date) so many of my first boyfriends were more "wild." Maybe in rebellion?? My parents never knew I dated them. I always had crushes on "nice" boys, but they always saw me as a friend and never dated me.

For me dating more "wild" guys - I never did more than french kiss them. Makes me wonder how wild they really were lol!

My first kiss was in back of the organ (we were hiding out during a church picnic) with one nice, but wild guy. It was awkard lol.

Aside from one homecoming dance, I always had to ask for my dates to dances.

My first boyfriend committed suicide in college. We were together though in high school.

I am a major Daddy's girl. I love my dad, and admire him. He is a war veteran and I'm patriotic because of him.

I love traveling - I'll go ANYWHERE.

I love planes.

I love car trips - did I mention I love traveling? :)

I love learning about other cultures!!!

I love living in a big city, but have always loved small towns.

I love a sense of community.

I'm FIRCELY loyal to my family and friends. I can sometimes come on too strong. I love people I care about so much (so readers beware lol). I really treasure my friends.

I want to nurture those I love sometimes to a fault. I can be annoying I fear.

This past year has found me, in my opinion, not being the best friend to people I could be. I've been exposed to friends and friendship that has HUMBLED me. I am blessed.

I never had any real friends till high school. I was the class/school scapegoat for 8 years.

I think I'm a better person because of my painful past...I think I'm a better friend, and I know my kids will be better people because of it too. I will not stand for that crap!

I finally dated in college - I had some serious boyfriends, and some werid ones too! I had a few "first dates only's" as well.

The only boyfriend I have ever been intimate with was my husband.

I love anything historical. The feeling of history in a place, story, object thrills me!

I have been playing the violin since I was 5. I used to be much better than I am, now I never have time to practice like I should.

I studied violin in Japan briefly.

I attended the same summer music academies as Josh Groban and Jewel.

I was in the World Youth Symphony Orchestra for a summer - it was an INCREDIBLE experience.

I have a double major in music and history.

I have to battle at showing my smarts. I feel I am a very smart person, but in high school I barely made a 900 on my SAT's. Thank God my college also looked for "well rounded" students.

I did better in college than in high school academically. I made Dean's List every year and "Who's Who."

I am doing much better in grad school as well.

As a person of history, I really find it annoying how we refer to ourselves as "American," when Canadians, Central, and South Americans are entitled to that as well. We do not own the term! I also disagree to how our goverment labels race. I think it perpetuates things we need to overcome! Maybe I'm wrong here...

In high school and college, I've been published 3 times for both research journals, and magazines. I still have issues with my writing and totally think Nino is a better writer!!! I look at the writing in my blog and think "blech."

I hate disappointing my parents, especially my dad. He's my world - my daddy. He's 81 and I worry all the time about him passing with him not being at peace with certain areas of my life. I know I shouldn't be....but it still is tough.

I love my mother so much. so much that her opinions on things hurt me to the core.

I was in the Girl Scouts.

I prefer writing papers to taking standardize tests. I enjoy writing most times too!

Being a mother is the best thing I have ever done, and I do not take it for granted. I pray those wanting parenthood get what they dream of soon!

I find myself in a love/hate relationship with this "Things you May Not Know" List. I worry how dumb or snooty I'll look at revealing truths in my life....weird I know! Sorry!

I apologize a LOT. Bad habit, working on it.

I love adventure and new things - I'd move ANYWHERE Hubby found a job! Any takers? :)

I love traveling - I've been to Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, Germany, Holland, Luxemburg, a cruise to the Caribbean, and seen much of the US. I wanna see more!

I love my family - extended family too! Visiting them is fun!

I love gardens and nature. I LOVE hiking and seeing views! I love mountains, oceans, everything!

I loved our trip to the Grand Canyon. It had it all - mountains, valleys, plains, so much NATURE! I remember standing on the edge of the canyon just thanking God for his incredible planet. I want to see more of it.

I want a chance at being a SAHM, but respect all moms for doing what they need to do for their happiness and their families!

I love working out, doing water aerobics, and pilates and FIRM tapes!! They rock!

I've been lazy at working out lately :) Now getting back into it...

I am horrible at sports but love swimming and tennis.

We haven't seen or spoken with my FIL in 3 years. We try never happens. He has never met our 'offspring.' His choice! :(

If I had to pick another job, I'd be a flight attendant.

I would have loved to do Peace Corps too.

I love food - Italian, Mexican, in general!

I love amusement parks, fairs, carnivals, Disney.....seeing children feel the magic makes me cry.

I hate and cry at crimes against children.

I fell away from my faith in college, then found my way back in college. I especially love it now that I know why I am what I am and what I believe.

I love hearing about other people's faith journeys and beliefs!

I was born in OH, but moved to the heart of Dixie at age 5.

I have never eaten at a Crate and Barrel resturant. :)

I love certain types of shows on TV, and some reality shows. I've been known to enjoy Sci Fi too!

I LOVE reading!!!

I love children's books still.

I love movies.

I love e-mailing when I can, and blogging (and reading other blogs) when I have time.

I love talking on the phone when I can.

My favorite color is yellow - very uplifting!

I tend to see my cup as half full or overflowing most days.

I love Oprah and Dr. Phil :)

I'll cry at anything....Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, commercials, you name it!

I too, can't sew, and my cooking is VERY limited :)

I love get togethers!!!

I love taking pictures with my digital camera!!!

I've been in a movie - yes you can actually see me lol!!!

If dancing on the weekends is your thing, then take me with you!!! I love it!! I'm known for getting my groove on hehe!

Ok, I'll copy and paste this list to not lose it again...ARGH! I probably forgot good stuff. Anyways, thanks for actually reading, and you know, these are a great way to get to know people. Fill free to do a list too whenever you have time. It was fun for me too!!!

Thanks as always, for being here...I appreciate you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are AWESOME! You are a very special person. You inspire me.

PS - Did you get my email?

6:13 PM  
Blogger humble servant said...

You crazy!!! I love the comment about not eating at Crate and Barrel (Cracker Barrel?!?!) wahaha!! My lovely friend who always writes so well made a teeny tiny mistake and it had me laughing til the girls came running. :)

I love you!!!! And I don't feel like you are crazy at all in trying to "nurture" our friendship.

Even I learned things in this post!

5:05 PM  

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